Advantages You'll Leverage
Organizing the chaotic, simplifying the complex, and standardizing the inconsistent. We’re supercharging construction project management together as a team. We're a WBE who'll help you streamline and enforce your own processes--incorporating CMAA Standards of Practice if you choose.

Single-platform Efficiency
VPO securely brings all project participants together in one customized “place” to perform their roles. Advising your project team is our team of experts in both construction project management and tech, and we’re with you from concept through closeout. For the project’s owners, construction managers, architects, engineers, and contractors, VPO is the point of record in the case of a claim or dispute. With one platform for all, you’ll increase productivity and effectiveness while reducing costs and standardizing across projects.
Administration & Maintenance
When we say "full-service," we mean it. You won’t even need to get your IT professionals involved to install and support VPO; that's our job. The VPO Customer Success and Support teams handle not just implementation, but also ongoing administration and maintenance of your software. Because you're our customer, we function as your IT professionals for VPO, updating and enhancing your solution for the lifetime of your VPO subscription.
Workflow & Process Management
We don't just help you figure out how to optimize a process; we make sure your project participants follow that process. The more Ball-in-Court requirements, triggers, and notifications we build in for you, the less time and money you'll spend making requests and chasing down overdue responses. What we've created goes way beyond document storage. Streamlining, integrating, and automating processes--that’s what will help your project team stay on track. Plus with an automatically generated audit trail of all project data and interactions, you gain visibility for your leadership team, and accountability for your participants.
Customizability & Enhancements
The one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t really work on all projects, or for all project teams. Instead, we get to know each customer, we listen to their ideas, and we present options that suit their unique needs and preferences. The difference between VPO and off-the-shelf applications? It’s our people. The same PM experience and tech expertise that drove us to master SharePoint and mold it for workflow and process management will now work for you, tailoring VPO to your specifications. We give you a starting point so that you can begin using VPO right away, and then on a continual basis we work with you to make custom modifications and enhancements.
Security & Role-based Permissions
It’s critical to establish security rights when project participants in various roles are collaborating in a shared space. You must ensure that each team member can get all the information they should have--and none of the information they shouldn’t. We work with you to determine role-based permissions for each VPO capability. We can even set up item-level permissions so that people can only see details involving their organization or their user ID. This is particularly important, of course, for confidential information like Change Orders, Applications for Payment, and Bid documents.
Ease of Use & Support
Because we build your solution in the Microsoft 365 cloud, on SharePoint technology, the interface and user experience feel just like the Microsoft applications that your team members already know. You won’t have to spend time and effort adjusting to a proprietary system that demands a steep learning curve. Plus VPO is a full-service solution; we’re the Onboarding, Administration, and Support team for all of your users--both internal and external to your organization.
Cloud Availability & Reliability
With a cloud-based solution, there’s no additional hardware or expensive perpetual software license that you’ll need to buy up front. Plus Microsoft takes every precaution to make sure that your environment is up and running 99.9% of the time. Your data is yours. You own it; you control it. We invite you to learn more about Microsoft’s commitments, and get information about security, privacy, and compliance, at the Microsoft Trust Center.
Integration & Interoperability
Improving functional alignment and connectivity across your project team and all participants' role-focused software--that's our aim. Multiple solutions must work together in an efficient and cost-effective manner for optimal adoption and maximal construction project management benefit. Count on VPO to get your people, and their software, talking to each other and working together well.
Mobile Accessibility
Whether you’re working from a job site, from your organization's headquarters, or from your home, you need your project information. With VPO you’ll have access to the online environment of your project using a PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone--at any time, from virtually anywhere.
Rapid Implementation & Training
VPO is simple and easy to use, and we record live, custom, role-based training sessions for all of your participants. Because we're lean and nimble rather than being a hefty enterprise system, we deploy within weeks, not months. Plus VPO is a full-service solution; we’re the Onboarding, Administration, and Support team for all of your users--both internal and external to your organization.