Your Goals & Requirements
We're listening, and we hear you. Over the decades we've learned that every customer is unique, but there are some common frustrations that bring teams to VPO.
Pick Your Headache & View Our Help

No matter whose construction project management solution you choose, you're buying heartburn--right? You'll have to spend a lot of time and money getting training for everybody, and dealing with software updates and questions from external users, etc., so will life actually improve? We can help:

The only software that would be worth anything to you is one that all of your stakeholders and participants could use from the beginning of the project to the end, easily; and that they'd just be required to use, automatically, the way you want. So far, you haven't seen anything like that. We can help:

You see a way to improve your process, and you just want to implement it. You don't want to have to ask Big Software to consider adopting your idea, and then wait months or even years until they roll it out. We can help:

Wait--SharePoint? But don't you have to buy a software program that was written for construction, from scratch? If you want to see if you can change the review-and-approval process for RFIs, you can't expect that your IT Department will know what that's all about. We can help:

Regardless, how can you select a construction project management solution when you're not even sure yet what you'll need for your projects, exactly--and when those needs will probably change at some point anyway? We can help:
From what you've seen, SharePoint just looks like a filing cabinet. You want a Rube Goldberg machine. We can help:

Your architects, engineers, and contractors have their own software. How can you expect them to use a complicated system for your projects, and how can you afford to train them on using it? We can help:

You already know what you want SharePoint to do, to improve your construction project management collaboration, but you haven't figured out how to make it happen. We can help:

What good is an online solution when the updates you want are from people in the field? We can help:

You used SharePoint to set up your Intranet, but you don't see how it could work as a secure workspace for users outside your organization. We can help:

If your project data went up into a cloud or whatever, would it even be your data anymore? We can help:

You need something right now, while you have a brief window of time to give it your attention. Wouldn't implementing a new solution take months? We can help: